Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The office Christmas dinner.
Christmas Morning! Matt was thrilled to wear "Dr. Seuss" pajamas! If you don't know me, let me tell you that statement is dripping with sarcasm. Actually, he was a good sport. I'm not thrilled about posting this picture since it was taken before showers and makeup, but I told my mom I would.
Jade's first cinnamon roll. No icing of course!

Opening presents!

This picture is at the zoo wildlights on Saturday night. They were really pretty and Jade was oohing and ahhing. Out camera decided to punk out on me. It kept saying that I was shaking, but my hands were like a surgeon. We need a new camera as it does this often. Maybe, it's just used to Jade's constant movement and has tried to make up for the movement, so now when she sits still everything else seems to be moving!

I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends. We really enjoyed getting so many cards and pictures of all of you. Hopefully, we'll see many of you again soon!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Jade loves her mac and cheese!

This was Jade's first time playing in the snow! It snowed a couple of weekends ago, but Jade's snowsuit hadn't come yet, so we couldn't go out and play. Daddy wasn't here either, so of course we wanted to wait for him to share this moment. She wouldn't let us put her down while we were outside, but I think it was because she was getting tired. It was close to her naptime. I had to sit in the sled with her while daddy pulled us around the yard. Then he got to shovel the driveway. What a workout!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

This picture really isn't fair to Jade. She had been sitting and playing quietly in her stroller for almost two hours today. This was the very end of our trip to the paint your own pottery store. She was hungry and ready to be out and running around. Plus, I wouldn't let her touch the wet paint!

Yeah!!!! We finally got a picture of her smiling. She's usually so inquisitive when the camera comes out that we get serious face all the time. She's really just happy because she got daddy's pager. Nothing compares to that!

"Mom, I've already tried on everything I own!"

This reindeer is suffering from a major tryptophan overdose.

"My visit with Great-Grandma Hintz was fun, but it sure was a long car ride."

Going to get my first Christmas tree at mama's favorite nursery.

" I wonder if there is anyway I can put this ornament up higher?"

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Good stuff mama!
This one's for Aunt Marcy!
Jade was captivated by the sand and seashells. She was looking down and I just put the camera under her face and pressed the button. This is what I got. She's so cute no matter when the camera gets her!
This is just one of the pictures that Matt took when he was trying to be a creative photographer! I was pretty impressed.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Jade then...and Jade now!

I just thought I'd post some pictures from our trip to Savannah back in October. Matt had to go to a medical conference, so we tried to make a little vacation out of it. It was Jade's first time at the beach and I'm not sure she liked it very much. She cried when we tried to get her to go near the water. We just took advantage of the beautiful background instead and got some good pics! I can't post all of them so these are just a few. She has changed so much in the last almost seven months I had to post a picture of our very first moments together just for comparison.